“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”
― Albert Einstein

Fortunately, when it comes to gathering information and facts, Baldwin Legal Investigations knows what they are doing.

They can help with reconnaissance, regardless of the kind of case, criminal or civil. A good source to find out more on these two kinds of cases is the website for California Courts. A more relevant source of information on courts for residents of the Florida panhandle, however, will be the websites for Alabama or Florida.  Those websites give an overview of what is comprised in a court case and what demands come with them. There is a lot that goes on in a case and so many people involved: lawyers, judges, witnesses… Why not hire a private investigator to help gather the details for your case? Doing so could open the possibilities and turn a challenging case into a simple one.

In shorter words, a case requires proof of a person’s story, and that evidence needs to be gathered at some point if it is going to be used. Being prepared for a case is like being on high ground, it gives better perspective and direction. On the note of being prepared, one resource that is useful to look over is the Alabama Rules of Court, since the principles listed there can help with what to do in court.

So, what do private investigators do to help in court cases? It can vary for different organizations, but for Baldwin Legal Investigations, they provide support services, among other things, when preparing for trial. Clear examples of how they can help a law firm, as mentioned in Litigation Support Services, is that, when asked, they can “inspect conditions at the scene of an accident and document conditions with photography or video.”

Documenting a crime scene, at a minimum, takes time and a good eye but can be critical to a case. Most people have a hard time remembering what color shirt they wore last week, and recording the facts to keep the story accurate is part of what BLI can do to help.

From BLI on Litigation Support,

“We routinely handle skip tracing and service of process and can assist in obtaining written or recorded statements of any involved parties or witnesses in civil or criminal trials.”

If you are looking for someone to help in gathering details for your case, contact them today!